Gogolook’s Whoscall application secures Innovation Award at Techsauce Global Summit 2024
Recognize for its comprehensive features and services for combatting online scams for consumers and businesses nationwide

Bangkok 28 August 2024, Gogolook, a leading TrustTech technology company and a developer of the Whoscall Application, has recently won Techsauce Innovation Award at the 2024 Techsauce Global Summit for its outstanding performance of Whoscall that drives continuous innovation and empowers online protection to business and consumers against fraudulent calls and online scams.
With more than 100 million downloads worldwide, Whoscall has also become one of the most popular digital anti-scam apps in Thailand encompassing over 2.6 billion phone numbers, and collects global malicious links to form a leading digital anti-scam database.

At this year’s award, Gogolook stood out for its vision to combat scams and its commitment to protecting people, from consumers to businesses highlighting key features and services that Whoscall is setting new standards for caller identification services domestically. This includes the well-known feature that identify unknown caller ID in real-time alerts and essential anti-scam functions available in both free and premium options such as

Web Checker offering the protection to users from clicking on phishing links by mistake free of charge

ID Security enabling users to check the security of their personal information and offers proactive alerts before scams happen. By entering their phone number, users can check if there are any leaked records associated with this phone number on websites, including accounts, passwords, and emails.

Smart SMS Assistant available under Whoscall Premium package that automatically detect and filter junk messages from your phone

Whoscall Verified Business Numbers Whoscall’s curated feature that allows businesses to protect their brand images and credibility while preventing scammers from contacting customers with a clear display name, logo and verified mark.

Mr Manwoo Joo, CEO of Gogolook Thailand said “Gogolook remains dedicated to advancing our technology and expanding new offerings to meet the evolving needs of both consumers and businesses. We are honored to be recognized for one of our flagship products Whoscall, the leading application that identifies unknown incoming calls and prevents spam. This award serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment in developing anti-scam technology for over a decade, employing AI to analyze and simulate the patterns of scam groups and proactively preventing the spread of scams to users nationwide. We will continue to innovate through AI, creating products that demonstrate both social and business impact in Thailand.”

To download the Whoscall app for free both iOS and Android platforms

To learn more about Whoscall package and available features please visit https://whoscall.com/en or https://www.facebook.com/whoscall.thailand

To learn more about Whoscall for Business please visit https://whoscall.com/en/number

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